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Greystone Golf & Country Club Blog

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Golf (3)

Beloved Member Golf Tournaments at Greystone

If you are passionate about golf, May 10-14 is likely booked on your calendar. 

Legacy Course and PGA Instruction Help Players Improve Short Game

Here are a couple of interesting facts that you may not be aware of: 

  • 60-65% of the shots you take...

Live Longer and Healthier at Greystone

Juan Ponce de Leon dreamed of finding the fountain of youth in Florida. He should have been looking...

One of the Best Golf Courses in Alabama Reopens with Upgrades

When Members returned to the Legacy on October 1st, they got to tee up their drive on the newly...

How Junior Golfers Grow at Greystone

“Juniors help create the next generation of Club Members,” says longtime Greystone Member and...

Highlights from the 2022 Regions Tradition at Greystone

The 2022 Regions Tradition was one for the record books. Steve Stricker became a two-time champion...

Two Golf Courses, New Amenities, Endless Fun at Greystone

Big things are happening at Greystone this year and it’s a reminder of how special it is to have...

The Impact of Kids Playing Golf & Growing Up in a Country Club Environment

Much has been written about the phenomenal career of Jack Nicklaus. The winner of 73 professional...